Our services are configured to help public sector leaders manage complex and challenging transformation initiatives as well as planning, designing, evaluating and implementing successful programs for people. Our teams use their expertise and experience along with collaborative and rigorous methodologies to deliver the results you need. We are particularly proud of our success in helping organizations embrace innovations that enhance the quality of life for clients of public sector services.
Types of services include:
- Provincial Programs and Services Reviews
- Strategic Planning
- Program Planning and Evaluation
- Business and Innovation Strategy
- Integration Planning and Service Delivery Model Design
- Organizational Transformation
- Facilitation & Change Management
- Organizational Design
- Project Management
- Stakeholder Alignment
- Client, Family and Caregiver Engagement
Health Innovation Group works primarily in public sector health and social services, but has also provides service to private sector health companies and research organizations. Our clients include all organizations involved in health and social services including: Governments, national and provincial organizations, regional health bodies (Authorities, Local Health Integration Networks), as well as Home Care, Community Support and Mental Health and Addictions agencies.
The process of innovation in health care requires attention to the full cycle of development, from the kernel of an idea through its evaluation, refinement and ultimately it diffusion and adoption by a broad range of users. Healthcare has no shortage of innovations – but diffusion and adoption are often the weak links. Health care in Canada is ripe for innovation with the potential to strengthen patient care and enrich the working lives of healthcare professionals. Health Innovations Group brings a broad knowledge of diffusion and change management methods to help your organization successfully diffuse or adopt new programs and ideas.
One the last few decades “Integration” has been debated as a concept to enhance the quality and impact on the client journey and on outcomes.
Integration, by itself, does not necessarily result in positive client outcomes but integration (across the continuum from collaboration and coordination to full structural and governance integration) can be successfully used as a lever to impact and influence positive client outcomes.
Our experience is that successful integrations require three critical factors – client-centric design, strong relationships and a realistic attitude towards cost. Designing an integration around the needs of your clients helps to unite stakeholders, makes sense to the clients and can also lead to innovative approaches to integration. Strong, open and positive relationships with and amongst staff, management teams, governors, funders, partners and your clients are important because many integration decisions require pragmatism and the ability to accept other perspectives. Being able to pick up the phone and call your funder to discuss any unforeseen challenges and to collaboratively problem solve can be the difference in an integration stopping in its tracks and moving to the next stage. Integrations require investment and resources (time commitment from governors, managers and staff). Many community organizations are stymied in moving forward with integrations because of their tight capacity. We recommend and can support organizations in considering these critical factors before launching an integration.
We have deep experience in integration. We have designed system integrations and are currently working on three community agency integrations. We bring expertise in facilitation, due diligence and business case development. Further, we have the experience to support you with the nuts and bolts of moving forward with integration – from developing new budgets, designing management teams and creating processes for hiring a new leader. When approached in a thoughtful and intentional manner integration can and should result in benefits to clients, the organization and the wider system.
HIG are on the Government of Ontario VOR for Management Consulting Services.